Transformational Life Coaching
Live Your Magnificence
Claim your genuine desire, be it deeper love, success, greater health, ease in life, or anything else. This is your precious life to live.
Only you can shine your authentic version of the magnificence that you truly are. Coaching is a method of self-understanding that clears the pathways to your goals. Dissolve the cluttered thinking, beliefs, and distractions in the way of your true potential.
What is Transformational Life Coaching?
It begins with a desire.
Or perhaps,
A nagging dissatisfaction in your life.
There is something yet unfulfilled.
But you don’t seem to make the time, you don’t make it a priority. This urge lives in the background of your life. You may not even know what the urge is about. You know it is there but you have so many other things to attend to...
Transformational Life Coaching with Michelle is the process of turning towards The Thing which is wanting your attention, wanting to come to life through you.
What we do in coaching:
unpack the as-yet-unfulfilled desire
examine the beliefs you have that might be standing in your way
connect with the wisdom inside of you which is your most reliable guide
claim your role as creator of your life
move from stressed to ease and from push to flow, create a pathway forward to bringing this desired change/vision into form
Along the way, you find a deeper, more loving connection with yourself as you learn to move out of a stressed mindset and into one of relaxed trust in your authentic Self and Life.

Big things of the world can only be achieved by attending to their small beginnings.
—Tao Te Ching
Michelle has such a warm presence from the moment you meet her, she’s extremely professional and gives you the tools and techniques to work towards a healthier mind, body & soul connection. I would highly recommend Michelle!
- Samantha
Michelle's offer for life coaching came at a time when I was recognizing unproductive communication patterns in myself. She provided questions, framework, and exercises to help me to initiate positive change in my relationship with myself and subsequently, others. Thank you for truly coaching out what I now realize was already within me!
- April
Michelle has a beautiful way of listening deeply. I felt heard, seen, and held in a way that allowed me to know that I am the source of my own wisdom. Through my coaching with Michelle, I was able to hear myself at a deeper level which led me to feeling a greater internal alignment. I was able to move forward in my life with the clarity I was looking for.
- Marianna
Beyond the static of the thinking mind is your own presence, ever aware, steady, and grounded in love.
You are self-healing, self-regenerating by design.
Your body is the container for the embodiment of
your Soul.
Stretch into your greatness through self-knowledge.
You live in a realm of infinite possibilities.
Embrace your magnificence and become the creator that you are.